First Name of the Reviewer
Reviewer's Email
Title of the Article Reviewed
Author's Email
1. Relevance of the manuscript to the aims and scope of the Journal. Is the manuscript in congruence with the aims and the scope of the journal?
2. Originality, uniqueness and significance of contribution. Interesting to research community, profession, industry and practitioners. How useful is the material to the field of the research?
3. International relevance of the research. How relevant and contemporary is the research internationally?
4. The clear background, research problem and objectives. Has the manuscript set a clear background and given relational for the choice of research topic?
5. Coverage of existing literature. Has the literature review critically analysed, synthesised and evaluated relevant information and arguments in support of the manuscript?
6. Suitability of research methodology, its analysis, reliability, validity, completeness, comprehension and justifications. Does the article explain the choice of research methodology justifies it with a detailed explanation of research methods and procedures?
7. Depth of analysis of the primary/secondary data / information under results and findings section along with discussion of the results and scope of the future research. Does the manuscript have undertaken a critical analysis of the data following appropriate tools of data analysis followed by a critical discussion and evaluations of the results?
8. Organizational structure. Is the manuscript clearly organized in a logical fashion? Are the author’s conclusions supported by the research. Clear, concise, and coherent writing. Does the manuscript clearly state the issues being addressed and follows a coherence structure and clear professional writing and citations?
9. Overall quality and fit for purpose : Are the manuscript overall fit with the quality standards of a peer reviewed journal and of internal standards.
Accept/ reject/ revision of the manuscript: The reviewer advises for Acceptance/ rejection or revision of the manuscript. RejectReviseAccept
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